Ms. January


Ms. January
Cindy Frick Sabourin
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

On this date

Cindy works in accounting in sunny South Florida, but rarely gets outside in the daylight, preferring to explore the so-called "darker" side of life. An intellectual hedonist by nature, she has adopted a skeptical mindset as the most powerful weapon in the fight against pseudoscience, sloppy thinking, and just plain foolishness. Her ultimate goal is to change how people think . . . the truth will follow. Instead of putting the fear of "god" in people . . . she prefers to put the fear of truth in them! A member of American Atheists, she is working to become more involved in actively promoting atheism and skepticism in the political arena and mainstream press. She enjoys reading, writing, laughing, traveling, attending concerts, flirting, collecting skulls and other such macabre paraphernalia, and primarily just reveling in being alive.

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